Sunday, October 12, 2008

week 1 photos/ measurements and where do I go from here?


The following is not for the squeamish of heart!!!

Goals are such a huge topic for me. My mind is swirling! Why? Because my goals are still so unclear. There is so much I want to do with my life and so many people I want to inspire, that I feel overwhelmed with all that has to be done. What is clear however, and as evidenced by this photo....

Is that I got work to do!!!!

My beginning measurements are...

rt thigh...21.75
left thigh..22.125
rt calf...14
left calf...13.75
Total inches...210.5

Beginning weight...123.8

Beginning BF% according to accumeasure...18.96

As I said, I gotta lot of work to do! Why? Because I feel like I need to have that certain "look" in order to really inspire people to believe that they do possess the power to change their lives and to reach higher and expect more from themselves and to not allow the world to walk all over them. I need to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

So my first short term goal is to see all those numbers go down and to more closely resemble...well, you already know! I hope to more closely resemble Jillian Michaels. To me, she exemplifies femininity and strength, two seemingly incompatible qualities that when mixed becomes breath taking. I also chose her because (as delusional as I may be) I somehow believe that somewhere hiding under this extra padding that has temporarily taken up residence around my midsection, my body type is at least somewhat similar. And also, like Jillian, I too am... shall we say... vertically challenged!?! LOL!!! Anyways...I do find her inspirational, so I'm goin' with it.

BLAH! URGGH! YUCK! Gotta shake all that outta my head!

I'm glad to have all that beginning shtuff out of the way, now on to the funner shtuff! What is my vision and game plan? I wanna be 14% BF. Based on my current calculations, I am sitting here with 23.47 lbs. of fat, and 100.33 lbs of pure lean. I like lean! If I can hold onto most of my lean mass while cutting the fat, I should reach my goal of 14% at about 116 lbs. In other words, my mission is to dissolve 7.8 pure lbs. of grease! EWWWEEE!

As for time frame, I know I do not want to lose it to fast and risk sacraficing any hard earned muscles, but not so slow that I get bored. So I think I am going to shoot for 16 weeks from today or February 1, 2009. So my time schedule becomes...

week 1...123.8...18.96% BF

week 2...122.8...18.34% BF

week 4...121.8...17.72% BF

week 6...120.9...17.1% BF

week 8...119.9...16.48%BF

week 10...118.9...15.86% BF

week 12...117.9...15.24% BF

week 14...116.9...14.62% BF

week 16...116#...14% BF

There ya have it! Where I am and where I'm going, thrown in with a game plan.

I am going to continue tracking these numbers and making any adjustments I need to make in order to reach my goals. In the meantime however, I also want to begin delving into where I want my life to take me and crystallizing the meaning of "inspiring people".

So if you find yourself unhappy with your current situation, my questions to you are have you taken an unbiased stock of where you are now? Where you want to go? And how you'll get there?

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