Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 1 Day 1

OK, I've looked over my schedule and I believe Tuesdays would be the best for weekly or bi-weekly photos. So Welcome Day 1!

Today's weight...124

Today's workout was pretty intense. I did straight sets of...

front squats
single leg squats
military presses
upright rows

Today's eats...
2 bananas
PWO shake w/ rice protein powder (I hope to check out Vega later today)
hummus wrapped up in a whole grin flax tortilla with carrots and spinach
chili spiced tofu, potato wedges, broccoli...all stirred together and possibly topped with peanuts (depending on how hungry I feel)
cocoa in Teechino w/ soy cream

I have also been scouring the internet and printed out a whole bunch of info on vegan bodybuilding. I hope to begin sifting through it and can't wait to start applying all the wonderful things I learn!

I can't wait to welcome my new body into the world! :)

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